I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Je fixais le plafond et puis j'ai vu le ciel (1995) |
Ven 4/2/2022 20.00 I was looking at the cieling and then I saw the sky Paris Athénée Théatre Louis Jouvet Sam 5/2/2022 20.00 I was looking at the cieling and then I saw the sky Paris Athénée Théatre Louis Jouvet Mar 8/2/2022 20.00 I was looking at the cieling and then I saw the sky Paris Athénée Théatre Louis Jouvet Mer 9/2/2022 20.00 I was looking at the cieling and then I saw the sky Paris Athénée Théatre Louis Jouvet Jeu 10/2/2022 20.00 I was looking at the cieling and then I saw the sky Paris Athénée Théatre Louis Jouvet Mer 30/01/2019 10.00 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Liege Opéra de Liège Ven 1/2/2019 10.00 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Liege Opéra de Liège Ven 1/2/2019 14.00 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Liege Opéra de Liège Dim 3/2/2019 15.00 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Liege Opéra de Liège Ven 9/11/2018 20.30 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Bruxelles Theatre National Sam 10/11/2018 20.30 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Bruxelles Theatre National Sam 10/11/2018 20.30 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Bruxelles Theatre National Lun 12/11/2018 14.00 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Bruxelles Theatre National Mar 13/11/2018 14.00 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Bruxelles Theatre National Mar 13/11/2018 20.30 I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky Bruxelles Theatre National Back |